
Floating Solar

Udaipur Cement Works Limited, Daroli Lime Mines, Udaipur - 1000 kWp

Expected Generation(per year) – 15,22,050 kWh/Year
CO2 Savings – 1,248 Tons/Year
Trees Planted – 1,52,205 Nos.

Meghadri Gedda Reservoir, Vizag - 3000 kWp

Expected Generation(per year) – 40,95,300 kWh/Year
CO2 Savings – 3,358 Tons/Year
Trees Planted – 4,09,530 Nos.

Floating Solar Power Plant in India


Space saving

Increased efficiency

Reduced water evaporation

Improved water quality

Reduced land-use conflicts


Green energy

Udaipur Cement Works Limited, Daroli Lime Mines, Udaipur - 1000 kWp

Expected Generation(per year) – 15,22,050 kWh/Year
CO2 Savings – 1,248 Tons/Year
Trees Planted – 1,52,205 Nos.

Meghadri Gedda Reservoir, Vizag - 3000 kWp

Expected Generation(per year) – 40,95,300 kWh/Year
CO2 Savings – 3,358 Tons/Year
Trees Planted – 4,09,530 Nos.

Imagine a solar power system that floats smoothly on the surface of lakes, reservoirs, or seas rather than competing for land space. This revolutionary idea is reflected by Floating Solar Panels, a Photovoltaic (PV) technology that has gained popularity in India.

Oriana Power has been a pioneer in providing complete solutions in this industry for over a decade. Let’s dive into the world of floating solar panels, learning about their advantages, Oriana Power’s contributions, and why they’re praised as the ideal option for capturing solar energy without taking up valuable land.


Solar Parks are a revolutionary method for solar energy consumption since they combine several components into a single system. Because solar panels, inverters, and transformers all function in tandem, this centralized arrangement provides for efficient energy generation. Solar Park maximizes the conversion of sunshine into electricity by providing a unified energy generating point, assuring a continuous and stable power supply.


One of the primary benefits of Solar Parks is their low cost and conservation of vital land resources. Solar Parks concentrate solar panels in a specific location instead of regular solar systems spread across broad distances.


This focused strategy simplifies maintenance while reducing the area necessary for energy generation. Solar Parks are an appealing alternative for locations with limited accessible space because of their combined cost-effectiveness and land protection benefits.



Solar parks are critical components of the worldwide effort to offset the consequences of climate change. They provide clean and sustainable energy by harnessing the sun’s power, drastically lowering dependency on fossil fuels. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions from traditional energy sources contribute to cleaner air, lower pollution levels, and a healthier ecosystem.


Solar Park is emerging as critical participants in transitioning to a more environmentally friendly energy landscape as governments and industries worldwide seek sustainable options.


Scalability is one of the most appealing aspects of Solar Parks solution by Oriana Power. Solar Parks may be extended in size to meet rising energy production demands as the demand for renewable energy grows. This scalability allows them to adapt to changing energy needs, ensuring they remain a viable and sustainable solution in the long run. Solar Park provides flexibility in fulfilling the expanding demand for clean and renewable energy sources, whether they serve small communities or contribute to large-scale energy networks.


The use of novel technology Oriana Power uses improves the efficacy of Solar Parks even further. Solar Park optimization is aided by ongoing research and development in solar panel efficiency, energy storage, and smart grid technology. These developments increase energy output and improve the overall performance and robustness of Solar Park infrastructures.


Solar Parks represent a paradigm change in solar energy use, providing an innovative and cost-effective means of generating renewable energy while protecting critical land resources. Solar Parks reduce carbon footprints and mitigate the consequences of climate change by integrating solar panels, inverters, transformers, and other components into centralized buildings.

Because of their scalability, Solar Parks can adapt to the expanding demand for renewable energy, making them an essential role in the worldwide transition to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.